Resources I use for French
I am a professional translator and French is my main source language. This means that about 90% of my work is French-Dutch. I get a lot of practice and my passive knowledge is very high (would I dare say a C2?). I don’t actively maintain my level after work.
- Italki - as I said, my passive level is very high, but my active level is not, because I don't get a lot of speaking practice. That's why I book a French conversation class once a month. We never decide what to talk about beforehand, precisely because I want to be able to use the language off the top of my head.
- Media - books, online newspapers, Netflix, YouTube, tv ... I follow a few people on social media and YouTube and I record a series (Secrets d'histoire).
- Bescherelle - worth its weight in gold, I have had it for ages (since I started studying French) and it has been my loyal companion ever since. All verb conjugations. In case of doubt, Bescherelle is your best friend.